Thursday, June 25, 2020

Don't Get Angry

Don't get angry on something that never comes in your life that you are chasing for decades.

Be what you are and who you are. There is no luck or there is no good or bad. If you see something that good for you will always bad for someone else.

If you are chasing something but it never comes to you then let it go for while. It will come to you for sure. 

It's like something out of logic out of science out of everything. You can find an example in your life for this miracle. Let's say you misplaced your car keys. You check everywhere. But you can't find it. Then you just sat on a couch and think something else your loved or someone came to you then give you the keys you can't find. 

If you chase it; it will play with you. If you leave it; it will comes to you if you are worthy for it.

Stay calm. Calm will clear your mind and help you to find a way to overcome everything.

We all here to face suffering, problems etc. But the one who find solutions to those problems will make a way to next level and shines. Who are all blaming and excusing will never find a way to get out of the hell.

Problems are like strike on heated metal. At first it was like irritating, heart breaking, mind wrecking but when we let it be and give it a time for cooling we can see an amazing art. That's what the life is.

Don't get angry on what you want to be. Get a clue from that and find the way to find what you meant to be.

Picture credits : Jonathan Rados

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